- Beronilla PKS, Goring DR (2024). Investigating a role for PUB17 and PUB16 in the self-incompatibility signaling pathway in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Direct 8(7), e622. Link
- Lee HK*, Canales Sanchez LE*, Bordeleau SJ, Goring DR (2024) Arabidopsis Leucine-Rich Repeat Malectin Receptor-like Kinases regulate intraspecific and interspecific pollen-pistil interactions. Plant Physiol 195(1):343-355. Link
- Macgregor SR, Goring DR (2024) The Arabidopsis SNARE complex genes regulate the early stages of pollen-stigma interactions. Plant Reprod 37(3):309-320. Link
- Goring DR (2023) A new ‘lock and key’ system revealed for plant reproductive barriers. Cell 186:4734-4736. Link
- Goring DR, Bosch M, Franklin-Tong VE (2023) Contrasting self-recognition rejection systems for self-incompatibility in Brassica and Papaver. Curr Biol 33(11):R530-R542. Link
- Goring D, Cruz-Garcia F, Franklin-Tong V (2022) Self-incompatibility. eLS (Encyclopedia of Life Sciences) 3:1-12. Link
- Bordeleau SJ, Canales Sanchez LE, Goring DR (2022) Finding new Arabidopsis receptor kinases that regulate compatible pollen-pistil interactions. Front. Plant Sci. 13:1022684. Link
- Macgregor SR, Goring DR (2022) The role of autophagy in the Arabidopsis self-incompatible pollen rejection response. Autophagy Reports 1:1, 183-186. Link
- Macgregor SR, Lee HK, Nelles H, Johnson DC, Zhang T, Ma C, Goring DR. (2022) Autophagy is required for self-incompatible pollen rejection in two transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Plant Physiol 188:2073-2084. Link
- Abhinandan K, Sankaranarayanan S, Macgregor S, Goring DR, Samuel MA. 2021. Cell-cell signaling during the Brassicaceae self-incompatibility response. Trends Plant Sci Nov 27:S1360-1385(21)00303-4. Online ahead of print. Link
- Lee HK, Goring DR (2021) Two subgroups of receptor-like kinases promote early compatible pollen responses in the Arabidopsis thaliana pistil. J Exp Bot. 72:1198-1211. Link
- Lee HK, Macgregor S, Goring DR (2020) A Toolkit for Teasing Apart the Early Stages of Pollen-Stigma Interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana. In: Pollen and Pollen Tube Biology: Methods and Protocols. A Geitmann (editor), Springer. Methods Mol Biol 2160:13-28. Link
- Doucet J, Lee HK, Udugama N, Xu J, Qi B, Goring DR (2019) Investigations into a putative role for the novel BRASSIKIN pseudokinases in compatible pollen-stigma interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol 19:549. Link
- Zhang T, Zhou G, Goring DR, Liang X, Macgregor S, Dai C, Wen J, Yi B, Shen J, Tu J, Fu T, Ma C. (2019) Generation of transgenic self-incompatible Arabidopsis thaliana shows a genus-specific preference for self-incompatibility genes. Plants 8, 570. Link
- Doucet J, Truong C, Frank-Webb E, Lee HK, Daneva A, Gao Z, Nowack MK, Goring DR (2019) Identification of a role for an E6-like 1 gene in early pollen-stigma interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Reprod 32:307-322. Link
- Jany E, Nelles H, Goring DR (2019) The Molecular and Cellular Regulation of Brassicaceae Self-Incompatibility and Self-Pollen Rejection. Int Rev Cell Mol Biol 343:1-35. Link
- Goring DR, Di Sansebastiano GP (2017) Protein and membrane trafficking routes in plants: conventional or unconventional? J Exp Bot 69:1-5 Link
- Goring DR (2017) Exocyst, exosomes, and autophagy in the regulation of Brassicaceae pollen-stigma interactions. J Exp Bot 69:69-78. Link
- Doucet J, Lee HK, Goring DR (2016) Pollen Acceptance or Rejection: A Tale of Two Pathways. Trends Plant Sci 21:1058-1067. Link
- Goring DR (2016) Dominance modifier: Expanding mate options. Nature Plants 3:16210. Link
- Safavian D, Doucet J, Goring DR (2016) Following the Time-Course of Post-pollination Events by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM): Buildup of Exosome-Like Structures with Compatible Pollinations. Methods Mol Biol 1459:91-101. Link
- Indriolo E, Goring DR (2016) Yeast two-hybrid interactions between Arabidopsis lyrata S Receptor Kinase and the ARC1 E3 ligase. Plant Signal Behav 11(6):e1188233. Link
- Klionsky DJ + 2466 authors (including Goring DR) listed alphabetically (2016) Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy 12:1-222. Link
- Safavian D, Zayed Y, Indriolo E, Chapman L, Ahmed A, Goring DR (2015) RNA silencing of exocyst genes in the stigma impairs the acceptance of compatible pollen in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 169:2526-38. Link
- Humphrey TV, Haasen KE, Aldea-Brydges MG, Sun H, Zayed Y, Indriolo E, Goring DR (2015) PERK – KIPK – KCBP signalling negatively regulates root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Exp Bot 66:71-83. Link
- Safavian D, Goring DR (2014) Autophagy in the rejection of self-pollen in the mustard family. Autophagy, 10:2379-80. Link
- Safavian D, Jamshed M, Sankaranarayanan S, Indriolo E, Samuel MA, Goring DR (2014). High humidity partially rescues the Arabidopsis thaliana exo70A1 stigmatic defect for accepting compatible pollen. Plant Reprod 27:121-127. Link
- Indriolo E, Goring DR (2014) A conserved role for the ARC1 E3 ligase in Brassicaceae self-incompatibility. Front Plant Sci 5:181. Link
- Indriolo E, Safavian D, Goring DR (2014) The ARC1 E3 ligase promotes two different self-pollen avoidance traits in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26:1525-1543. Link
- Indriolo E, Safavian D, Goring DR (2014) Signalling events in pollen acceptance or rejection in the Arabidopsis species. In “Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants”, edited by H. Sawada, N. Inoue and M. Iwano, Springer Japan. Pp. 255-271. Link
- Safavian D, Goring DR (2013) Secretory activity is rapidly induced in stigmatic papillae by compatible pollen, but inhibited for self-incompatible pollen in the Brassicaceae. PLoS ONE 8:e84286. Link
- Indriolo E, Tharmapalan P, Wright SI, Goring DR (2012) The ARC1 E3 Ligase Gene Is Frequently Deleted in Self-Compatible Brassicaceae Species and Has a Conserved Role in Arabidopsis lyrata Self-Pollen Rejection. Plant Cell 24:4607-20. Link
- Indriolo E, Goring DR (2012) The Regulation of Pollen-Pistil Interactions by Receptor-Like Kinases. In “Receptor-like Kinases in Plants – From Development to Defense”, edited by F. Tax and B. Kemmerling, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Pp. 125-143. Link
- Samuel MA, Tang W, Jamshed M, Northey J, Patel D, Smith D, Siu M, Muench DG, Wang Z, Goring DR (2011) Proteomics analysis of Brassica stigmatic proteins following the self-incompatibility reaction reveals a role for microtubule dynamics during pollen responses. Mol Cell Proteomics 10(12):M111.011338. Link
- Salt JN, Yoshioka K, Moeder M, Goring DR (2011) Altered germination and subcellular localization patterns for PUB44/SAUL1 in response to stress and phytohormone treatments. PLoS ONE 6, e21321, 1-11. Link
- Chapman LA, Goring DR (2011) Misregulation of phosphoinositides in Arabidopsis thaliana decreases pollen hydration and maternal fertility. Sex Plant Reprod 24:319-326. Link
- Indriolo E, Goring DR (2010) Pollen gets more complex. Science 330, 767-768. Link
- Goring DR, Indriolo E (2010) How plants avoid incest. Nature 466, 926-928. Link
- Chapman LA, Goring DR (2010) Pollen-pistil interactions regulating successful fertilization in the Brassicaceae. J Exp Bot 61, 1987-1999. Link
- Haasen KE, Goring DR (2010) The recognition and rejection of self-incompatible pollen in the Brassicaceae. Botanical Studies 51, 1-6.
- Chong YT, Gidda SK, Sanford C, Parkinson J, Mullen RT, Goring DR (2010) Characterization of the Arabidopsis thaliana exocyst complex gene families by phylogenetic, expression profiling, and subcellular localization studies. New Phytol 185, 401-419. Link
- Samuel MA, Chong YT, Haasen KE, Aldea-Brydges MG, Stone SL, Goring DR (2009) Cellular pathways regulating responses to compatible and self-incompatible pollen in Brassica and Arabidopsis stigmas intersect at Exo70A1, a putative component of the exocyst complex. Plant Cell 21, 2655-2671. Link
- Yee D, Goring DR (2009) The diversity of plant U-box E3 ubiquitin ligases: from upstream activators to downstream target substrates. J Exp Bot 60, 1109-1121. Link
- Samuel MA, Yee D, Haasen KE, Goring DR (2008) ‘Self’ pollen rejection through the intersection of two cellular pathways in the Brassicaceae: Self-incompatibility and the Compatible pollen response. In “Self-Incompatibility in Flowering Plants – Evolution, Diversity, and Mechanisms”, edited by V. Franklin-Tong, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Pp. 173-191. Link
- Samuel MA, Mudgil Y, Salt JN, Delmas F, Ramachandran S, Chilelli A, Goring DR (2008) Interactions between the S-Domain Receptor Kinases and AtPUB-ARM E3 Ubiquitin Ligases Suggest a Conserved Signaling Pathway in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 147, 2084-2095. Link
- Sanabria N, Goring D, Nürnberger T, Dubery I (2008) Self/nonself perception and recognition mechanisms in plants: a comparison of self-incompatibility and innate immunity. New Phytol 178, 503-514.
- Humphrey TV, Bonetta DT, Goring DR (2007) Sentinels at the wall: Cell wall receptors and sensors. Tansley Review. New Phytol 176, 7-21.
- Samuel MA, Salt JN, Shiu SH, and Goring DR (2006) Multifunctional Arm Repeat Domains in Plants. Int Rev Cytol 253, 1-26.
- Haffani YZ, Silva NF, Sewter SK, Aldea MG, Zhao Z, Nakhamchik A, Cameron RK, and Goring DR (2006) Altered Expression of PERK Receptor Kinases in Arabidopsis Leads to Changes in Growth and Floral Organ Formation. Plant Signaling & Behavior 1, 251-260.
- Nakhamchik A, Zhao Z, Provart NJ, Shui S-H, Keatley SK, Cameron RK and Goring DR (2004) A Comprehensive Expression Analysis of the Arabidopsis Proline-rich Extensin-like Receptor Kinase Gene Family using Bioinformatic and Experimental Approaches. Plant Cell Physiol 45, 1875-1881.
- Haffani YZ, Gaude T, Cock JM, Goring DR (2004) Antisense suppression of Thioredoxin h mRNA in Brassica napus cv. Westar pistils causes a low level constitutive pollen rejection response. Plant Mol Biol 55, 619-630.
- Chong YT and Goring DR (2004) Self-rejection during pollen-pistil interactions. PBI Bulletin 1, 18-20.
- Goring DR and Walker JC (2004) Self-rejection, A new kinase connection. Science 303, 1474-1475.
- Mudgil Y, Shiu S-H, Stone SL, Salt J and Goring DR (2004) A Large Complement of the Predicted Arabidopsis ARM Repeat Proteins are Members of the U-Box E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Family. Plant Physiol 134, 59-66.
- Haffani YZ, Silva, NF and Goring DR (2004) Receptor Kinase Signalling in Plants. Can J Bot 82, 1-15.
- Stone SL, Anderson EA, Mullen RT and Goring DR (2003) ARC1 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase and promotes the ubiquitination of proteins during the rejection of self-incompatible Brassica pollen. Plant Cell 15, 885-898.
- Silva NF and Goring DR (2002) The Proline-rich, Extensin-like Receptor Kinase-1 (PERK1) gene is rapidly induced by wounding. Plant Mol Biol 50, 667-685.
- Silva NF, Stone SL, Christie LN, Sulaman W, Nazarian KAP, Burnett LA, Arnoldo M, Rothstein SJ and Goring DR (2001) Expression of the S receptor kinase in self-compatible Brassica napus cv. Westar leads to the allele-specific rejection of self-incompatible Brassica napus pollen. Mol Gen Genet 265, 552-559.
- Silva NF, Christie LN, Mazzurco M and Goring DR (2001) Characterization of a novel Brassica napus kinase, BNK1. Plant Sci 160, 611-620.
- Mazzurco M, Sulaman W, Elina H, Cock JM and Goring DR (2001) Further analysis of the interactions between the Brassica S receptor kinase and three interacting proteins (ARC1, THL1 and THL2) in the yeast two-hybrid system. Plant Mol Biol 45, 365-376.
- Silva NF and Goring DR (2001) Mechanisms of self-incompatibility in flowering plants. Cell Mol Life Sci 58, 1988-2007.
- Stone SL, and Goring DR (2001) The molecular biology of self-incompatibility systems in flowering plants. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 67, 93-114.
- Goring DR (2000) The search for components of the self-incompatibility signalling pathway(s) in Brassica napus. Ann Bot 85(Supplement A), 171-179.
- Stone SL, Arnoldo M and Goring DR (1999) A breakdown of Brassica self-incompatibility in ARC1 antisense transgenic plants. Science 286, 1729-1731.
- Dearnaley JDW, Clark KM, Heath IB, Lew RR and Goring DR (1999) Compatible and self-incompatible pollinations of Brassica napus do not involve reorganization of the papillar cytoskeleton. New Phytol 141, 199-207.
- Gu T, Mazzurco M, Matias DD, Sulaman W and Goring DR (1998) Binding of a novel arm repeat protein to the kinase domain of the S locus receptor kinase. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 95, 382-387.
- Sulaman W, Arnoldo M, Yu K, Tulsieram L, Rothstein S and Goring DR (1997) Loss of callose in the stigmas papillae does not affect the Brassica self-incompatibility phenotype. Planta 203, 327-331.
- Dearnaley JDW, Levina NN, Lew RR, Heath IB and Goring DR (1997) Interrelationships between cytoplasmic Ca2+ peaks, pollen hydration and plasma membrane conductances during compatible and incompatible pollinations of Brassica napus papillae. Plant Cell Physiol 38, 985-999.
- Bower MS, Matias DD, Fernandes-Carvalho E, Mazzurco M, Gu T, Rothstein S and Goring DR (1996) Two members of the thioredoxin-h family interact with the kinase domain of a Brassica S-locus receptor kinase. Plant Cell 8, 1641-1650.