Goring Lab

At The University of Toronto


Congratulations to Paula Beronilla for receiving the CSPB-SCBV Student Poster Presentation Award at the CSPB-SCBV 2021 Virtual Meeting! cspb-scbv.ca/news

Congratulations to Francis Lee for receiving the 2021 Ragai Ibrahim Award for Best Student Paper from CSPB-SCBV for his publication! Lee HK, Goring DR (2021) Two subgroups of receptor-like kinases promote early compatible pollen responses in the Arabidopsis thaliana pistil. J Exp Bot. 72:1198-1211. cspb-scbv.ca/news

Congratulations to Paula Beronilla for receiving the CSPB-SCBV Student Poster Presentation Award at Plant Biology 2022! cspb-scbv.ca/news